MUSRENBANG in Banggai Regency 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency

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MUSRENBANG in Banggai Regency 2018

MUSRENBANG in Banggai Regency 2018

March 24, 2017 | Other Activities

MUSRENBANG is an annual discussion forum with the participation of stakeholders to define priority activities according to the needs of society. Musrenbang execution function is to produce an agreement on development actors, namely local government and its subordinate.

Musrenbang RKPD 2018 were held on Friday, March 24, 2017, in the Hall of Plantation Office of Banggai Regency and was attended by several local officials. 

The first speaker is the representatives of Bappeda Sulawesi Tengah Province, then followed by the Chairman of the Parliament of Banggai Regency, Samsulbahri Mang; Banggai Regent, Ir. Herwin H. Yatim, M.M.; and not forgetting the Head of BPS Banggai, Ir. Muhammad Said, M.Si.

BPS is a non-ministerial agencies whose task is to provide statistical data in this case as a reference for decision making for the government in development. Head of BPS in the Musrenbang Banggai Banggai 2018 RKPD speaking about RPJM achievements and targets in Banggai Regency. The indicators presented among others on poverty, unemployment, inequality, economic growth, and inflation.
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