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Statistics Indonesia of Banggai Regency provides Statistical Training to the Luwuk District Court
March 12, 2021 | Other Activities
In collaboration with the Luwuk District Court, BPS Banggai Regency held a sectoral statistical training for the ranks of the Luwuk District Court employees (Friday, 12/3). Training activities were carried out in the Luwuk District Court Command Center room.
The material discussed was related to the analysis of the Community Satisfaction Survey, including the procedures for data collection, how to determine the sample size, and the preparation of the Luwuk PN Business Model Canvas.
The training was attended by the Luwuk PN staff, in preparation for the Integrity Zone Development Towards
Corruption-Free Areas and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Banggai (Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency)Jl. S. Parman Nomor 27 Luwuk