The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2023 was 3.12 percent, an increase of 0.03 percentage points compared to August 2022. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency

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| #DataMencerdaskanBangsa

| Telah Rilis Kabupaten Banggai Dalam Angka 2024

The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2023 was 3.12 percent, an increase of 0.03 percentage points compared to August 2022.

The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2023 was 3.12 percent, an increase of 0.03 percentage points compared to August 2022.Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 11, 2023
File Size : 1.93 MB


The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) in August 2023 was 71.70 percent, with the total workforce in August 2023 being 201.86 thousand people. TPAK in August 2023 fell 1.78 percentage points compared to the previous year. When viewed based on gender, men's TPAK is larger than women's TPAK. TPAK for men is 85.72 percent, while for women it is 57.17 percent. In the last three years, men's TPAK has always been higher than women's TPAK. The employment sector with the highest percentage of working population is the agricultural sector (43.96 percent), the second highest is the services sector (36.99 percent) and finally the manufacturing sector (19.05 percent). Based on employment status, among the working population, most have the status of laborers/employees/employees. As many as 29.38 percent of the working population work as laborers/employees/employees. In the previous year, the highest percentage was also in the labor/employee/employee category. 41.01 percent of people who work have an elementary school/equivalent level of education or below. This category has the highest percentage compared to other education categories. In the previous year, the highest percentage was also in the elementary school education category and below. The Sakernas Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2023 was 3.12 percent, an increase of 0.03 percentage points compared to August 2022 which was 3.09 percent. The highest Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) was 9.10 percent at the Vocational High School (SMK) education level. Meanwhile, in the previous year, the highest TPT was at the university education level (S1/S2/S3).

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