The percentage of poor people in March 2023 was 6.94 percent, decreasing by 0.39 percentage points compared to March 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency

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The percentage of poor people in March 2023 was 6.94 percent, decreasing by 0.39 percentage points compared to March 2022

The percentage of poor people in March 2023 was 6.94 percent, decreasing by 0.39 percentage points compared to March 2022Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 11, 2023
File Size : 3.12 MB


The percentage of poor people in March 2023 was 6.94 percent, decreasing by 0.39 percentage points compared to March 2022. The number of poor people in March 2023 was 27.38 thousand people, a decrease of 1.17 thousand people compared to conditions in March 2022. The Poverty Line in March 2023 was recorded at IDR. 488,788,-/capita/month. Comparison of the current poverty line with the previous year increased by IDR. 31,453,-/capita/month. The Poverty Depth Index in March 2023 was 0.80, down compared to March 2022 which was 1.20. This figure is a measure of the average gap between the expenditure of each poor person and the poverty line. The Poverty Severity Index in March 2023 was 0.17, down compared to the previous year which was 0.28. The Poverty Severity Index provides an overview of the distribution of expenditure among the poor. The percentage of poor people in Central Sulawesi Province in March 2023 is far above the percentage of poor people in Banggai Regency, which is 12.41 percent. The percentage of poor people in Banggai Regency in March 2023 decreased compared to March 2022. This is in contrast to Central Sulawesi Province which experienced an increase in the population percentage. poor in March 2023. When compared with districts/cities in Central Sulawesi Province, the percentage of poor people in Banggai Regency is the second lowest after Palu City.
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