The growth rate of the Utilization of accommodation and transportation in Central Sulawesi - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency

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The growth rate of the Utilization of accommodation and transportation in Central Sulawesi

The growth rate of the Utilization of accommodation and transportation in Central SulawesiDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 7, 2020
File Size : 2.37 MB


The rapid economic growth in a number of regions in Central Sulawesi Province has an impact on the high level of mobility of guest visits from other regions. The attractiveness of developing new investments or other interests causes the intensity of their arrival to fluctuate from time to time. The visit did not only come from domestic circles, but also from foreign countries. In order to support information on the use of accommodation facilities, the approach is used through several indicators including room occupancy rates, bed occupancy rates, and average length of stay for both star and non-star hotels (melati).
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