Location and First Enumerator Selection Test Schedule SE2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency

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Location and First Enumerator Selection Test Schedule SE2016

Location and First Enumerator Selection Test Schedule SE2016

January 25, 2016 | BPS Activities

More info contact Statistic Indonesia Banggai Regency or Coordinator of the District Economic Census (KOSEKA) below:

Toili call Mr. Fandi [ 0853-9508-8667 ]
Toili Barat call Mr.Faisal [0853 9837-1718 ]
Moilong call Mr.Yasin [ 0813-4106-6466 ]
Batui dan Batui Selatan call Mr.Masku [ 0852-9870-2169 ]
Bunta dan Lobu call Mr.Sonny [ 0853-4245-0555 ]
Nuhon dan Simpang Raya call Mrs.Anita [ 0853-9795-7081]
Kintom dan Nambo call Mr.Andre [ 0857-2222-0707 ]
Luwuk call Mr.Zulkarnain [ 0852-4140-6257 ]
Luwuk Timur call Mrs.Suwarni [ 0852-9861-8184]
Luwuk Utara call Mrs.Azniar [ 0852-4108-9922 ]
Luwuk Selatan call Mrs.Nana [ 0812-4528-4650 ]
Pagimana call Mr.Manuel [ 0853-9504-9430 ]
Bualemo call Mr.Kham [ 0823-9339-1807 ]
Lamala dan Mantoh call Mr.Erwin [ 0812-4505-8205 ]
Masama hubungi call Mrs. [ 0852-4146-8866]
Balantak, Balantak Utara, dan Balantak Selatan call Mr.Masrul [ 0812-4103-5695 ]

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Banggai (Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency)Jl. S. Parman Nomor 27 Luwuk

Sulawesi Tengah

94711. Telp (62-461) 21336 Mailbox : bps7202@bps.go.id


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