Open Recruitment Enumerator of Economic Census 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency

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Open Recruitment Enumerator of Economic Census 2016

Open Recruitment Enumerator of Economic Census 2016

January 7, 2016 | BPS Activities



Registration Time Already Closed

Early Stage Selection 1 to 15 February 2016

1.      Minimal education : Bachelor (S1)
2.      Discipline and Commitment
3.      Ability to communicate (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) with Indonesian is good and right with civic in its territory.
4.      Able to cooperate and coordinate with fellow enumerators SE2016
5.      Preferred come from regions that will be duty
6.      Know the area well
7.      Preferred experience to follow the activities or surveys BPS
8.      Healthy physical / spiritual and look good / friendly
9.      Have a valid identity card (KTP preferably local)
10.   Age 20-45 Years
11.   Precedence owns / controls the mobile phone
12.   Precedence has / is able to drive a vehicle (motorcycle)
13.   Willing to carry out tasks for the duration of the contract and not under contract with another party.
14.   Pass the selection, graduated in enumerators training
1.      Submit a copy of the last diploma (1 sheet)
2.      Submit a copy of ID (1 sheet)
3.      Fill out the form Bios SE2016 enumerators supplied candidates when the selection
4.      For the status of Civil Servants attach permission from the agency concerned
Successful applicants will be contracted and receive an honorarium of IDR 3.200.000 (Supervisor) and IDR 2.900.000 (enumerator)
More info contact Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency or subdistrict below:
Toili : Mr. Fandi [ 0853-9508-8667 ]
Toili Barat : Mr. Faisal [0853 9837-1718 ]
Moilong : Mr. Yasin [ 0813-4106-6466 ]
Batui dan Batui Selatan : Mr. Masku [ 0852-9870-2169 ]
Bunta dan Lobu : Mr. Sonny [ 0853-4245-0555 ]
Nuhon dan Simpang Raya : Mrs. Anita [ 0853-9795-7081]
Kintom dan Nambo : Mr. Andre [ 0857-2222-0707 ]
Luwuk : Mr. Zulkarnain [ 0852-4140-6257 ]
Luwuk Timur : Mrs. Suwarni [ 0852-9861-8184]
Luwuk Utara : Mrs. Azniar [ 0852-4108-9922 ]
Luwuk Selatan : Mrs. Nana [ 0812-4528-4650 ]
Pagimana : Mr. Manuel [ 0853-9504-9430 ]
Bualemo : Mr. Kham [ 0823-9339-1807 ]
Lamala dan Mantoh : Mr. Erwin [ 0812-4505-8205 ]
Masama : Mrs. Mufliha [ 0852-4146-8866]

Balantak, Balantak Utara, dan Balantak Selatan : Mr. Masrul [ 0812-4103-5695 ]

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Banggai (Statistics Indonesia Banggai Regency)Jl. S. Parman Nomor 27 Luwuk

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